The Cardoner Network Ongoing Works 

We are extremely grateful for the support of our Mission, to nurture and accompany young adults as they love and serve those in need domestically and overseas.

2024 is a year of re-invigoration for The Cardoner Network.  We have volunteers serving with our long-term partners in Nepal, Thailand, Micronesia and Wadeye. Our local programmes – providing young adult support to Redfern Jarjum College and Sunday Outreach with Burritos & Brownies – are flourishing. We have also delivered formation sessions at schools, at Bellarmine House, and at the Jesuit Retreat Centre at Gerroa. We are delighted to be witnessing the growth of young adult volunteer engagement.

The Cardoner team is a small group of dedicated people: our Rector, plus 3 full-time employed staff, 3 part-time Uni student interns and Jane in Adelaide. All of us are passionate about Cardoner’s Mission, and want to offer life-changing experiences to as many young adults as possible, as they serve communities in need. 

Your financial support will ensure that our ongoing works and mission will make a significant impact in growing our programmes and supporting our partner communities. Our sincere thanks in advance for your generosity.  

Your Donation

The Cardoner Network Ltd is able to accept tax deductible donations to our projects most in need of financial support, as a registered charity. All donations over $2 are tax-deductible.

Your gift will help support our partners most in need. We simply couldn’t do this without your generous support – thank you.

Self Organised Projects

If you would like to organise your own fundraising project, and wold like The Cardoner Network to assist please get in touch HERE

For assistance email:

The Cardoner Network 2024